
New Faces

We've been working hard today cleaning for the staff to arrive and getting some program things done.

More than half of our staff showed up today. So far we are representin' Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, and Michigan. Tomorrow we get some Arizona, New Mexico, and Cali staff.

So far our plans for the summer include:
- the "Hidden Valley Invitational" which is Sonlight's mega golf game with huge sling shot launchers, tennis balls, and neon painted five gallon buckets. Me, Brett, and Nick had to "map the course" so we spent about an hour the other day playing the game. SUPER FUN.
- We built a machine that keeps a gold fish alive. Its part of a night game. No goldfish are harmed in the making of this game (at least not on my watch, Brett says that goldfish are cheap and therefore it does not matter if they die)
- Me and Brett are convincing Mary and Winston that camp NEEDS a fog machine. Fog rocks. Foam, Fog, and Blacklights. That is what we are looking at for deck dances this year, folks.
- We made a couple presents and surprises for the 30th Year Anniversary of Sonlight. It was pretty cool to put those up around camp and show Mary and Winston. Hopefully pictures later.

The Hidden Valley Invitational course map