

Last week was overwhelming. Everyone was really tired, and we were kind of understaffed so we all had a lot on our plate. 

Being program and a counselor was pretty stressful - I felt like I had nothing planned before it actually took place. It was hard to be with the kids 24/7 and then run program and other things that I normally have time to plan out. By the end of the week I was feeling worn out, lightheaded, and nauseous, but miraculously we made it through to the weekend. I feel like my exhaustion got in the way of being excited for the kids, but I tried my best to put on a good face. I hope I didn't let anyone down.


  1. Teresa said...

    Sorry to hear about your stress. But I am sure you did a great job, anyways. You are always so hard on yourself. I am sure you did not let anyone down. What great experiences for your resume. Double tasking like that will look really good on it.

    I love you and am proud of all you do.
